Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs


May I accept a contractor’s or vendor’s offer to pay for my lunch?
No.  The ethics law prohibits you from accepting a personal lunch from a contractor, vendor, or person who has interests that may be substantially affected by how you perform your official duties. You must pay for you own lunch.

I have been invited to attend a charitable dinner as the guest of a company that does business with my department.  Can I accept?
Yes.  There is an exception to the ban on gratuities for reasonable meals at a public event.  The meal must not be lavish, you must appear in an official capacity, and the event must be a public, civic, charitable or non-profit ceremony or event, such as a charitable dinner, professional seminar, or conference reception.

I'd like to attend a seminar that is being sponsored by one of our vendors for government employees in the metropolitan Atlanta area.  There is no charge to attend and lunch is being served.  May I go? 
Yes.  You may attend and eat lunch at the seminar with employees from other governments in the metro Atlanta area under the exceptions for reasonable hosting expenses in connection with attendance in an official capacity at a conference and for reasonable meals at a public event.  

Can our office accept lunch at a "lunch and learn" session provided by a company to explain a product that it seeks to sell to us?
No, the proposed meal does not fall within any exception to the ban on gratuities.  The event is a private one between the potential vendor and city employees, it is being offered to promote a product, and it does not qualify as an conference, convention, or seminar.

What is the dollar limit on gifts?
The City of Atlanta does not have a de minimis exception for gifts.  The ethics law prohibits any personal gifts to individual officials or employees from a prohibited source. 

What should I do with gifts that I am sent?
You may return the gift, pay fair market value for it, or donate the gift to a charity without taking any tax deduction. You should inform the giver of your donation.

What is the holiday gift rule?
If a city official or employee receives a gift during the holiday season that is perishable and has a nominal market value, the individual may accept the gift on behalf of the city agency and share it with other employees and public visitors.

How can a citizen honor a city employee for exemplary service?
The best way to thank a city employee is to write a note, email, or letter of praise to the employee's supervisor.  The code does permit elected officials and employees to receive an award, plaque, memento, novelty, or similar item given in recognition of public service.  As one example, a neighborhood association named its favorite police officer a honorary member of the neighborhood.

May I accept tickets to a baseball game from one of our department’s vendors?
No.  City officials and employees may not accept tickets to a professional sports event from a city vendor, contractor, or other prohibited source.

May I accept an invitation to play in a charitable golf tournament as the guest of a company doing business with the city?
No.  The ethics law says no official or employee may accept tickets to any entertainment or athletic event that is offered because of the individual’s position with the city.

A city vendor has offered to pay my air fare for me to participate as a speaker on a conference panel about how we used their software on a city project.  May I accept?
Yes.  A city employee may accept reimbursements from a prohibited source for travel expenses to teach, give a speech, participate on a professional panel, or attend a conference.  The employee must file a Travel Disclosure Report disclosing the payments or reimbursements.  

A city contractor has offered to pay for travel for employees to attend a training program on equipment the city has just purchased.  May we accept?
Yes.  The exception for gifts to the City of Atlanta allows an agency to accept gifts of travel when the gift is donated to the agency, the travel is approved in advance as official city business, the city chooses who participates, and the expenses are reasonable.  The department needs to include the donation on its annual Gift to the City Report, and the officials or employees who go on the trip need to file a Travel Disclosure Report within 30 days of the travel.

Does the City have any laws governing campaign contributions? 
No.  State law governs campaign contributions.  The state commission publishes the campaign contribution limitspermitted during each election cycle for candidates for local office.  

Where can I view campaign finance data?
Contact the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission about campaign disclosure reports, campaign finance laws, and state financial disclosure statements.  For filings prior to 2011, contact theOffice of Municipal Clerk.

Does the City of Atlanta have any city laws governing lobbyists?
Yes. Any person, business, or entity that is registered as a lobbyist with the state is a prohibited source and may not give a gratuity to any city official or employee.

Are persons who want to lobby the City required to register?
Yes.  State law requires local lobbyists to register with the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission. 

Does the City require a separate registration for lobbyists?
No.  The City of Atlanta does not have any separate registration requirement. 

What is the Integrity Line?
The Integrity Line is a telephone hotline to report unethical, fraudulent, or illegal acts by City of Atlanta officials, employees, and contractors.  

Where do I call?

When should I call the Integrity Line?
You can call to report any of the following: conflicts of interest, theft and fraud, accounting and audit irregularities, misuse of city property or time, inappropriate gifts and gratuities, improper dealings with customers and vendors, illegal harassment and discrimination, and threats or violence.

What isn't covered by the Integrity Line?
Customer service complaints, personnel-related matters, state campaign contributions, problems that occur in other cities or counties, and fraud unrelated to city government. 

Who takes the calls?
An independent company, The Network, operates the call center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Can I remain anonymous?
Yes.  You do not have to give your name.

If I am anonymous, how can I find out what happens?
Each anonymous caller is given a case number and asked to call back in 10 days to answer any questions raised by the preliminary investigation.

Can I file a written complaint?
Yes.  You may file your complaint online at  

How does the City learn about my complaint?
The Network sends a written report about your call within 24 hours to the Ethics Officer, City Auditor, and Compliance Manager.

When is the filing deadline?
The deadline for filing is April 3, and the grace period for filing without incurring a fine ends on April 18.

Where do I file my financial disclosure statement?
All required filers must submit their statement online at the Electronic Disclosure System.  The only exception to the electronic filing requirement applies to senior citizens.

How do senior citizens file?
Persons who are 65 years of age or older may hand deliver their statement or send it by first class mail to the City of Atlanta Ethics Office, 68 Mitchell Avenue, SW, Suite 12130, Atlanta, GA 30303. 

Are former employees and board members required to file?
Yes.  The Code of Ethics requires individuals to file each year they serve in a city position and the year after they leave city service. The cut-off date for service is February 15.  All persons serving after that date are required to file the following year.  

I have just been appointed to a city board.  Am I required to file within 30 days? 
No.  The city has an annual filing requirement.  City board members will be notified every year in March of the filing requirement.  

Are there any penalties for filing late?
Yes.  Fines of $50 to $250 are imposed if a person files after the grace period.

68 Mitchell Street, SW
Suite 1100
Atlanta, GA 30303