At the November 19, 2015 regular meeting, the Atlanta Board of Ethics adopted Formal Advisory Opinion 2015-2 on post city private and public employment.
Opinion Summary: The City's Standards of Conduct (Atlanta Ethics Code) in Section 2-810 addresses the issue of activities for which a former city employee can be compensated for a period of one year after leaving the City. Although the Board of Ethics has previously interpreted the language of the provision as imposing a very broad prohibition on activities which involve interaction with the City, the Board has determined that the current language of the Code does not support a broad prohibition, but instead indicates very specific instances when such activities are prohibited. Additionally, the Board is recommending that the Code provision be amended to specifically address subsequent employment with public entities with a presumption that public employment will not be prohibited, but should be examined on a case-by-case basis.
Click here to read the full opinion
Additionally, at the October 15, 2015 regular meeting, the Atlanta Board of Ethics adopted Formal Advisory Opinion 2015-1 on the criteria and process for the filing of financial disclosure statements.
Opinion Summary: Section 2-814 of the Atlanta Code of Ethics provides that certain city officials (which include appointees to boards, commissions and task forces as defined by Section 2-801) and employees are required to file a financial disclosure statement every year that they are serving and in the year after they leave city service. The statement requires disclosure of income sources, real estate interests, business transactions with the City, and family members’ transactions with the City. As set forth by the Ethics Code, the Ethics Office has established a process to determine which officials and employees are required to file each year.
Click here to read the full opinion
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