
The Code of Ethics prohibits officials and employees from soliciting or accepting anything of value that is calculated to influence a vote, decision, or exercise of official authority.  The Board of Ethics has established guidelines that apply to elected officials, appointed officials, or city employees when soliciting gifts in their official capacity on behalf of the City of Atlanta for city programs.

Guidelines for Solicitations

  • The official or employee must solicit in an official capacity.
  • The solicitation must be made for a city purpose, project, or program.
  • Employees should not seek donations from city contractors or vendors.
  • The fund-raising campaign should make a broad public appeal for support.
  • The gift must be given to the City of Atlanta or one of its agencies.
  • The gift must be publicly disclosed on the online Gift to the City Report.
  • The gift cannot be calculated to influence any vote, decision, or official action.

Restrictions on Fundraising Campaigns

Fundraising campaigns should not single out city contractors or vendors.  It is important that city employees refrain from making one-on-one appeals to companies or individuals when they know or should know that the potential donor is regulated by, doing business with, or seeking business from the employee or the employee’s agency or has a specific matter pending before the agency.  Other departments may solicit donations from prohibited sources as part of a broad public appeal for support, such as a mass mailing, press release, speech, or public interview. 

To comply with the city's guidelines, city officials and employees should always consider whether a solicitation or gift from a prohibited source is in the best interest of the City or creates the appearance of impropriety.

Charitable Fundraising

Officials and employees may not use official city letterhead or other city resources to raise funds on behalf of non-profit groups that are not affiliated with the City.

Elected officials should use the letterhead of the charitable group or personal stationery in any fundraising letter on behalf of a private individual or group.

Solicitations among Employees

Supervisors should not solicit charitable donations or campaign contributions, purchase goods and services, or engage in other financial transactions with subordinates because of the potential for abuse.

Employees can ask coworkers to donate to a school fundraiser or support a private charity so long as (1) city resources are not used, (2) employees do not use their position to obtain a personal advantage, and (3) the transactions are not disruptive or interfere with the ability of employees to perform their work.

Code of Ethics

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68 Mitchell Street, SW
Suite 1100
Atlanta, GA 30303